In recent years it has become much more of a priority to businesses that they are seen to be sustainable. 

Businesses are expected to be seen to be making a conscious effort to reduce their carbon footprint and decrease carbon emissions. This is also down to the target for the UK to end sales of new diesel and petrol cars by 2030.

By switching to an all-electric fleet businesses can improve their sustainability as well as benefiting from other factors such as financial benefits and environmental benefits. 

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits that come with switching to an all-electric fleet.

Financial Benefits:

When switching to an all-electric fleet businesses can benefit from significant cost savings. This is due to the lower maintenance costs involved in running an electric vehicle and lower running costs. There are also government grants to be benefitted from when switching to EVs.

Research has shown that the running costs of an EV compared to a petrol or diesel vehicle are around 49% lower. 

The maintenance costs are lower as EVs have fewer parts to maintain. Research into the maintenance of an EV shows that they cost around a third less to maintain and service than petrol or diesel vehicles which is a massive saving.


We are all aware that vehicle emissions are one of the main factors of air pollution. By switching to EVs this can help reduce the carbon footprint of your business. This can be done by using EVs for your fleet and company cars and also by encouraging staff to use EVs by providing charging points. Research has shown that employees are 83% more likely to choose a company who are committed to being more sustainable. 


EVs are extremely convenient and that is why it is a great benefit to your business to use them for your fleet. Many fleet solutions are available to aid small business change to an electric fleet. 

It is possible to charge at work places, homes and on the go so it has never been more simple and convenient to charge an EV. Invoices for charging can be sent monthly to businesses so this is easily managed also. 

There really is no better time to swap your fleet to an all-electric one and to help your business become