Electric vehicles are increasing in popularity so the need for EV charging points to be installed within residential homes is of course on the rise. Here we look at your guide to installing an EV charging point in your home.

Choosing the right EV charger for your requirements is the first thing to think about lets look at how to choose the best option for you –

  • Charging rate – You will need to check the charging rate of your vehicle to determined which charging rate to go for. A EV that charges at 11kW can only charge at a maximum of 7kW on a 7kW charger however if you use a 22kW charger it will charge at 11kW.
  • Your power supply – Most UK homes will only charge at a ,maximum of 7kW, it can prove very expensive to upgrade to a faster output.
  • Tethered or untethered – Tethered charges have a cable attached, untethered do not. Tethered cables don’t work with all EVs and untethered cables can fit most EVs but you will need to keep the charger in the car at all times.
  • Design – This comes down to aesthetics, there are different options to choose from so you can choose which one matches your home best.
  • Cost -The more powerful the charger, the higher the cost. You maybe eligible for a government grant of up to 75% in some cases.

Where to install your EV charger?

When choosing to install an EV charger we always recommend to choose a qualified fitter such as CJ Electrical. We will conduct a visit to ensure we can install a EV charging point and the best place to do this.

We will take into consideration the following ;

  • Where you park – Can the cable reach the vehicle
  • Where is the charge point on the car? Whether it is at the front, rear or side of the car will determine a charge point location
  • How long is the charging cable – This will need to be considered to ensure the cable reaches without being overstretched
  • Discretion – We will look at the most discrete positioning to place to EV charge point for you

We also are asked do you need planning permission for an EV charge point. You do not need planning permission if the charge point does not-

  • Face onto a highway or be within 2 metres of a highway
  • Exceed 0.2 metres 
  • Be within or on a listed building

If you are needing a EV charge point or want to know more contact the experts at CJ electrical today and we will be happy to help.